
Why do projects fail?
– Lack of focus
– Lack of ties to training
– Lack of application of solutions
– Lack of proper evaluation

When confronting challenges in your business, it is difficult to determine what solution will be the right one to address your unique situation.  That’s why our team at ES3 Solutions is different.  We aren’t tied to one methodology but see value in several.  That means we can bring you the right solution customized to your needs.

We help you focus on exactly what needs to be addressed first. So often we see a number of issues and getting to the root cause can be a challenge.  We specialize in working with you and your team to determine exactly what will have the greatest impact and addressing it first.

Everything we do ties into a training program.  It is vital to make sure everyone understands the situation, how we got where we are and how we can change things to move on even stronger in the future.  Without actual practice, the theory has no where to go.

We will also work with you to determine how to measure success and failure.  Unless you know how to determine success, it can be a challenge to see if the project was successful.  Return on investment is critical to any change undertaken.

Our goal is to make sure once you’ve addressed a problem, you don’t address it again in the future.  At ES3 Solutions, we learn the box so we can help you climb out once and for all.